Occam’s Razor - Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem or “Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" is the basis of a 14th century philosophy attributed to logician William of Ockham. It recommends seeking those explanations formed by the smallest number of elements, or more colloquially ‘the simplest explanation is usually the best one’.
Here, with his razor-like features, our 21st century model and pal Richard Biedul of London perfectly elucidates our latest tailoring collection in the parsimonious spirit of Occam’s Razor. Strict, sparing and sharp as a tack. Once again this erudite series of snaps were made by another talented Londoner you are now familiar with, Mr James Harvey-Kelly.
Richard wears suits made of pure silk, milled and washed by our weaving partner in Como, along with our favourite Shantung-yarn Dupioni in chocolate. Also featured are Italian woven pure Australian merino suits in crisp and clear-cut tropical weights and a particularly sparse chalk stripe dressed with large contrast collar shirt. More casually Richard wears silk-cotton-linen blended suits and a pine green example of our new Corbu jacket set. Note our beautiful s160 Merino knitwear in polo necks and roll necks worn sans-shirt with tailoring for a sharp yet sensual look. In evening wear you will see a classical ivory Barathea weave smoking jacket with a striking shawl collar and another double breasted shawl collar in a more sumptuous steel grey velvet.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your tailor if you would like to execute any of these looks. If you don’t have a tailor, that of course can be arranged. Simple.